Climate & Sustainability Committee

Shahira ElKady
Co-Chair, Climate & Sustainability Committee
AmCham Abu Dhabi
Public Policy & Government Affairs Lead – Gulf
Purpose and Goals:
- Demonstrate American business’ commitment to partner with the UAE government on meaningful climate action as COP 28 brings attention to the region in the next 18 months
- Provide AmCham members information and engagement opportunities on climate with the backdrop of COP 27 and COP 28 in the region
- Demonstrate American business’s partnership with the UAE government on climate action
- Educate and engage AmCham members on meaningful climate action
- Curate a robust conversation on climate action, innovation and impact
- Expand AmCham partnership platforms and demonstrate leadership
- Focus on substantive dialogs with diverse leaders in the climate, energy and ESG spaces
- Create opportunities for engagement with the UAE government climate stakeholders and others
- Capitalize on the UAE COP 28 presidency period from late 2022 through 2024
- Consider longer-term transition into an ESG focus after COP28 (2024+)
For more information or if you are interested to join the Climate & Sustainability Committee, please contact:
Please click the button below to connect with Climate & Sustainability Committee members via the dedicated group on AmCham Abu Dhabi digital platform.
Committee Events & Meetings